Nitrogen (N)

Stunted and/or slow growing plants, light green colored foliage with lower leaves appearing yellow in color, dark green foliage, vigorous vegetative growth with little or no fruit set, fast emerging suckers and vegetative stems from fruiting trusses.

Phosphorus (P)

Stunted plants with thin stems, abnormally dark green plants with reddish or purplish pigmentation, sometimes chlorosis occurrence on the older leaves no specific symptoms for this element as high P will result in possible micronutrient deficiency, other either Fe and Zn, Zn being the one most likely to occur.

Potassium (K)

Chlorosis starts at leaf tips and margins of older leaves, progressing between the veins, chlorosis on the tip and border of lower leaves, followed by the death of the tissue, fruit formation and development may be slow.

Calcium (Ca)

Chlorosis generally begins at tips and margins of young leaves, progressing between the veins followed by necrosis, leaf tips and margins turn brown to black, the growing point emerges slowly, may be deformed and die, emerging flowers and small fruit abscess, apical decay of the fruits (BER). Symptoms not known, excess K will result in a possible Ca, and more likely induced Mg deficiency.

Magnesium (Mg)

Chlorosis starts between veins of older leaves and leaves become yellow, intervein chlorosis of the older leaves, possible appearance of BER in fruit symptoms not known, excess may influence the function of K and Ca.

Sulfur (S)

Entire plant becomes light green in appearance with chlorosis most pronounced on young leaves, new leaves bear as light green or yellow coloration depending on the intensity of the deficiency (see deficiency symptoms for N since they can be confused for S).

Boron (B)

Plants become brittle as leaves easily break from the main stem, some browning of the leaf tips which turn black, growing point will be slow emerging and may die, fruits bearing brown spots near the blossom end element accumulates in the leaf margins and excess can result in tissue death of the leaf margins and possibility of slowing or killing of the terminal growth.

Copper (Cu)

Plants are slow growing and the plant tops easily wilt, the borders of the old leaflets curl upward. High Cu in the rooting medium can cause significant root damage before any symptoms occur in the vegetative top.

Iron (Fe)

Newly emerging leaves are light green to yellow in color depending on degree of deficiency, with interveinal chlorosis of new leaves, when severely deficient, new leaves grow totally yellow in color, symptoms not known, high Fe may interfere with the normal function of Zn in the plant.

Manganese (Mn)

Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves, chlorosis followed by a necrosis of the border and tips of new leaves; accumulates in the leaf margins and can result in death of the leaf margins, high accumulation of Mn in the leaf results in the occurrence of small black specks (MnO) on the leaves.

Molybdenum (Mo)

Older leaves bear intervein chlorosis, with flowers and small fruits abscess.

Zinc (Zn)

Symptoms not known, high Zn may interfere with the normal function of Fe in the plant.

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